Monday 22 July 2024


Just had confirmation that Strathmore 2 have made the semi-finals of the Bell Salver. 
We now have 2 teams playing in the Flag Qualifiers at Forfar on Friday 26th August and North Inch on Saturday 3rd August. Andrew Brass, James Thom, Leighton Thomas and Seamus Sangerman are up first with Forbes Cowan, Hunter McQueen, Callum Nelson and Joel Tosh up next. 
Our match play leagues are going strong with 3 matches played today. Jessica Sievwright halved with Joe Frullani, Ally Brass won 3&1 v Saoirse Sangerman and Archie Puttullo won 2 up v Broden Sidley. All close matches and it’s great to see the spirit these matches are being played in and great team spirit being built within the section.
Louis was out playing against his dad, Andrew was out having a practice round and the 3 Stevenson boys and Ellie-Marie were having group and individual lessons with Kathryn Imrie. 
Keegan, Keir and Archie are playing at Gogarburn over the next 3 days in the Stephen Gallacher Foundation u12 and u10 Championships. Archie traveled down today to walk the course and make his own plan of the course. This is so professional and shows how serious he is taking this. 
I am so impressed by all of these youngsters commitments and it won’t be long before we see Strathmore Golf Club Junior Section members again make an impact at County and National level. 
We have also confirmed a reciprocal match with Ladybank which confirms how much we are respected within Scottish Golf clubs. 

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