Sunday 25 January 2009

Fun Day Texas Scramble

Don't forget to sign up for the Texas scramble on Sunday 8th February. Tee-off time is 11.00 a.m., but please be there for 10.30 a.m. so we can organise the teams and get you all signed in. Let's hope we have good weather.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

2008 was a great year for the Junior Section with more juniors holding handicaps and taking part in competitions than ever before so lets make 2009 even better!! If you haven't already got a club handicap then what is stopping you?? We only need three cards of 9 holes! Only one card needs to be marked by a committee member and Iain Jackie Frank Lesley and Dawn are more than happy to help. Just give them a call or Email me for more information!

Keep an eye on the website for forthcoming events and news.

Have a great 2009!