Saturday, 15 January 2022


Tarah came along today with a surprise she received at Christmas through the post. She had played in the Loretto School Simmers Cup in October at Craigielaw last year and because of Covid no prize giving took place on the day. She was therefore delighted to discover she had won the under 9 Girls Section and the beautiful glass Trophy that goes with it. That was her 2nd trophy of the season after winning the under 9 Girls skills challenge at the AIG Women’s Open. She was also along to generously donate her outgrown set of Calloway XJ’s having taken possession of one of our new Golphin Hire sets. It’s fantastic that she wanted to do this and shows the respect she has for the club. She is looking forward to her next mentoring session next week. Stuart had Keegan and Tommy out today and Blair joined them, it’s great to see the Mentors doing such a great job and the youngsters all getting so much out of this. 

Tuesday, 4 January 2022


Despite 2021 being a challenging year for the whole world for Strathmore Juniors it was one of our best.


Attained Scottish Golf SafeGolf Accreditation

Membership numbers grew from 59 to 94 – 5 are not renewing and 2 have emigrated to Australia but 4 new members have already joined for 2022 and taster sessions are being arranged  

Flag Team played in National Qualifier at Crieff

GolfSixes Team played at Auchterarder, Crieff, Pitlochry and Strathmore – finished runners up and Silver Medal winners

2 Teams represent Strathmore in P&K Race to Castle event – team B finished runners up 

Certificates achieved (lost count)

New Fun Handicaps - 40+

New WHS Handicaps – 5 

Family Fun Days – up to 40 taking part each time

Leitfie Summer League – record numbers competing

Rannaleroch Competitions – record numbers competing 

Mentoring scheme up and running 

Tarah Simson wins her age group skills challenge at AIG Ladies Open

Cormac Sharpe playing off a plus 3 handicap

3 more USA University Scholarships gained – Alexei Butchart, Cormac Sharpe and Kirsten Miller (that’s 7 in the last 8 years)

4th PGA professional – Emily Aird

1st Tour professional – Hazel MacGarvie who qualified in December for Ladies European Tour from Q School over 9 rounds at La Manga       


Have been really encouraged to see so many youngsters out practicing and playing recently and this bodes well for the season ahead. It’s now time to start planning as “failing to plan is planning to fail”

  1. Learn how to become a good putter. Practice distance control and remember 100% of under hit putts never go in !!!
  2. Practice chipping and pitching using different clubs, you don’t always need the most lofted club in your bag especially if there is nothing to get over !!!
  3. Don’t just go to the range to hit balls. Go to practice hitting particular types of shots – high or low and moving the ball left or right but remember straight is best
  4. As up to 36 shots in a round are putts and you may only use driver 14 times (4 par 3’s) then try changing practicing to 50% putting, 30% chipping and pitching and 20% long game and driving
  5. Always keep the ball on the fairway, it make scoring easier especially if you’ve followed the above 


Hopefully see you all soon and remember Centre and Club Membership fees for 2022 are due to be paid before 31st January and Club, Trolley and Range Finder Hire fees are also due by the same date. Membership fees are payable to the Centre and Hire fees are payable to myself by bank transfer. We are still operating the Free Golf Shoe and putter swap schemes with loads in stock. I appreciate some juniors and their parents are new to golf so please remember to ask me if you are unsure of anything, we want everyone to get the most fun and value out of their memberships and as it looks like Omicron will not affect playing golf so hopefully 2022 can be as good as 2021.