Monday 9 June 2008

Texas Scramble

Texas Scramble

Sunday past another great turnout of juniors for our latest competition with over 40 juniors taking part, we were very lucky with the weather and they were some really good scores returned. The winners of the competition were :-

1st Place was Iain, Cory, Josh and wee Matthew

2nd Place was Dawn, Abigail, Alisha and Jamie

3rd Place was Jackie, Emily, Mark and Luke

A big thanks to David Norman for organising and providing prizes for a putting competition the winners were :-

Matthew B, Coryn, John and Megan with 7 points

Jackie, Emily, Mark Smith and Luke with 7 points

As you can see below one of the teams decided to name themselves
'The DiddyMen'

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Great Day, photo's brill, Diddy Men looked great!!! Looking forward to the next one!!