Sunday 18 May 2014


Today we hosted King James VI and with a 4 1/2 v 1/2 lead we only needed 1 more point to progress to the knock out stages. Tod Bannerman won 3&2, Marcus Ryan won 1 up and Conor Hughes won 6&5 and with 2 conceded matches the final score was 9 1/2 v 1/2. We look forward to the draw and hopefully a home tie. Conor was voted player of the day.
With Callum Ewan unavailable, Amy Mitchell and Ben Anderson our other squad members and I decided to play a match at the end of the draw and Kirsty Brodie who was down for a practice made up a 4. Sheena Lamond helped with the draw and a boys v girls match took place. Brilliant fun and a 2&1 win for the boys. Again I was impressed both with the result and the standard of play our juniors are achieving. 2014 is just getting better and better.

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