Friday 8 May 2015


Lexi Thompson 

What are the two best tips you have been given?

“Number one is definitely to have fun on the golf course no matter how you play, there is always something worse you could be doing! I was always told that you should keep your head up no matter what, don’t get too hard on yourself and always remember that golf is fun. If I had a bad tournament it was just onto the next one, no dwelling on the bad stuff. Positive attitude.

“Number two is making your practice productive. There’s no point just going to the range pounding balls without a structure to what you’re doing. All that will happen is, sure you will loosen up a bit, but you’re probably just reinforcing the mistakes you already have in your game. You have to practice in a productive way, get something specific out of it so you walk away from the practice area thinking ‘I got something out of that’


It's rare to see an adult who uses the practice green as much as the practice range. This chronic neglect of chipping and putting is a mistake you don't want to make with a young child. The rule is this: Never walk past the practice green with a child. Walk on it, then use it. Heighten the child's curiosity about this vital part of the game, and then let the child pursue it. This is the place to introduce kids to competition. They love chipping and putting contests. 

These are 3 tips to remember and ones we have used for years. Have fun, make practice productive and it's the short game that will lower your scores. Donkey has made better putters out of all the players I have helped - guaranteed.

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