Sunday 25 April 2021


So exciting, 35 very keen youngsters attended the 4 sessions of coaching today and all made huge improvements. Some kids had never tried golf before and it was amazing to witness how quickly they responded to learning new skills. Emily and William are delighted with their new Hire Clubs and also managed to find golf shoes from our huge stock pile which fitted perfectly. 

Some brilliant scores out on the course. James who is only 5 achieved his 1st Certificate and was desperate to phone his mum to let her know he had done it. Sam, Fraser and Andrew also got their 1st’s. Andrew also had his fun handicap reduced by 7 shots. Out on the Rannaleroch Cameron just pipped Stuart by 1 point and Keegan also received a 2 shot handicap cut. 

It was great to see the courses packed with these youngsters and their parents. Bodes well for the future not only for Strathmore but Golf in general. 5 others renewed so our membership is now up to 74. What a start to the year. 

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